MSF statement on incident in Gaza City today

Statement from MSF President Dr. Isabelle Defourny on the incident involving aid trucks in Gaza City today. 

“We are horrified by the latest news from Gaza City, where over 100 people were killed and about 750 wounded today, according to local health authorities, after Israeli forces reportedly opened fire as Palestinians were waiting to receive food from aid trucks. MSF staff were not present on the site, and due to bad telecommunications, we are currently unable to reach our medical staff still working in some hospitals in the north.

However, what we do know is that the situation in Gaza, and particularly in the north, is catastrophic. A few days ago, when we spoke to our staff there, they said they did not have enough food to eat, and that some were resorting to pet food to survive. They also reported the lack of water and its overall poor quality, leading to diseases.

This situation is the direct result of the string of unconscionable decisions taken by Israeli authorities while waging this war: a relentless bombing and shelling campaign, a complete siege imposed on the enclave, the bureaucratic hurdles and lack of security mechanisms to ensure safe food distribution from southern to northern Gaza, the systematic destruction of livelihood capacities such as farming, herding and fishing.

The north has been largely cut off from assistance for months, leaving people trapped and with no choice but to attempt to survive on miniscule amounts of food, water and medical supplies. Entire neighborhoods have been bombed and destroyed.

We consider Israel responsible for the situation of extreme deprivation and despair which prevails in Gaza, particularly in the north, which led to today’s tragic events.

MSF reiterates its call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. We call on Israeli authorities to allow unimpeded and streamlined humanitarian and essential aid, such as food, to be delivered into and throughout the Gaza Strip, and for attacks on civilians to stop immediately.”


Dr. Isabelle Defourny, MSF President

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